Raising the Barrs
Welcome to our blog! I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kiddos. This is the place to hear stories and see pictures of our crazy little life. I hope you enjoy hearing about how we're "raising the Barrs"!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Instagram Obsession
Monday, March 26, 2012
Here's the VERY short version of what's happened in our lives this past year. We moved to Florida in August, Abbey is now in Kindergarten, but is in the gifted program at a private school (which is also our church) and actually goes to the first grade class for math and reading every day. She is a fluent reader and is learning at an astounding rate. She earned the Principal's Honor Roll for getting straight A's (well, the kinder equivalent anyway) in all of her subjects, even the advanced classes. We're so proud of her!
Aiden got glasses, which I was sad about at first, but he is so stinkin' cute in them that we can't go anywhere without people gushing over him. Oh, and he can actually SEE now, which is a plus. ;-). He is in pre-K in the three year old class 3 days per week. His teachers love him and he is having lots of fun in his class.
The reason we moved to Florida was because Steve got a new job. It is going pretty well. He is no longer in IT, but is doing more of a business process improvement role. It has been challenging and it seems every company in America these days is filled with workaholics, but as much as I miss my friends in TX, I'm happy we made the move and Steve is getting some great experience in a new role. He has always had a passion for learning new things and I think he appreciates that opportunity with this new job.
As for me, well, I'm a mom first and foremost, so I dove right in trying to find a group of friends with young kids. I joined a MOPS group (which stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. Talk about a gold mine of mommies!) and joined the steering team not long after. We found a great church and we have a women's bible study on Friday mornings that I just LOVE! These ladies are transparent, open and honest. It has been so easy to fit in! While I miss my friends and church family in TX, this church has been a God send because it has felt like home from the beginning. I also joined the praise team, which took awhile, but I'll be singing for the first time this Sunday. I'm excited and thankful for the opportunity to worship and use my God given talent for His glory.
The other thing I've been up to is sewing. In my last post a year ago, I mentioned that I had hoped to practice and get better over the next year. Well, I have found a true passion in creating things. I am even in the process of starting a small business. Herein lies the other reason this post is titled "Inspiration". My sewing teacher had a small business doing sewing and embroidery and also taught others to sew. I'm so grateful that she did! She passed away a few months ago from breast cancer. It is so devastating for me to lose a friend to this awful disease. She was diagnosed while I was taking lessons with her (and finishing my own chemo treatments) and I truly believe that God put us together during that time to be of some comfort to each other. It almost seems now like she was "passing the torch" of her knowledge and passion for the art of creating fun designs. I also have an embroidery machine and I'm working on building an inventory so that I can start selling some things online and at craft shows in the area. I'm excited to say that I have already filled my first order for "Above the Barr Designs" and have a couple more in the works! I have always wanted to do something that I love and am passionate about, but I can tell you that I never thought this would be it! Stay tuned for more info on that.
Wow, this post got really long! I'll try to post some pictures soon. The kids are adorable (a completely unbiased observation...haha!) and my hair has finally grown out and looks like my own again. Thanks for catching up and I hope to be better about posting now that I can do it on the go!
Monday, January 24, 2011
You need a hobby!

I have lots more pictures and things I made, but I'll save those for another time. I guess I need to work on my time management skills so that I can fit in all of my hobbies!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Home Sweet Home
While we were in Sarasota, I took Abbey to the beach one morning. The water was really rough, which is not normal for Siesta Key, and I thought Abbey would be scared to go in the water, but she actually LOVED it! She was jumping in the waves and having a blast. Then, she asked me to take her in the "deep end" so that she could go in the bigger waves. I don't have a lot of pictures because it was just the two of us, but here are a few.
We also went to Sarasota Jungle Gardens one morning. They had a few shows to see (a parrot show and a birds of prey show) and you could just walk around the trails and look at all of the animals (mostly birds). There were flamingos that just roamed free. Abbey wasn't so sure about that part since they were taller than she was, but as long as they kept their distance, she thought they were neat. The best part was that Abbey got to hold a bird on her arm. It was a Sun Conure named Ci Ci. She was a little hesitant at first, but after Mommy held one and showed her it was okay, she did it and even gave us a big smile! Here are some pictures.
Abbey and Grandma at Jungle Gardens
Abbey holding a birdie!
Check out those flamingos
Did you know that parrots can ride bikes??
Other than that, we just hung out with friends and family. We saw our friends Sue, Dale, Cassie and Tori and spent some more time with Uncle Steve, Aunt Tammy and the kids. All in all, it was a great trip. I know the kids enjoyed it and as much as we wore them out, my mom and grandmother were happy that we came too. My mom even babysat both kids a couple of evenings for me so that I could have some "grown up" time with my friend Wendy. Thanks, Mom! Here are a few more pics to enjoy.
Aiden showing off his sitting skills for Sue
Abbey and Aiden's cousins Nicholas and Kara
Cassie and Abbey coloring with markers
Abbey and Kara snuggling and watching The Lion King (for the 15th time!)
Aiden sharing his famous grin with Aunt Gail
Look how big I'm getting!
Toga party!
Abbey putting bandages on the doggie's boo-boos
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Answered Prayer
Aiden and his new friend Bailey who is 2 weeks older than him
Abbey swimming in the pool at Auntie Wendy's house
Nana shared her chocolate with Abbey. Yummy!
Abbey playing soccer with her Princess bouncy ball
Look at me holding my head up all by myself!
Aiden sharing some smiles with Nana
Nana playing ball with Abbey
Abbey and Uncle Steve taking Elvis for a walk
Aiden showing off for Trish and Aunt Tammy
Aiden and Uncle Steve
Super Abbey!
Abbey loves Uncle Steve!