Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hi Everyone (maybe not everyone, but anyone who is actually reading this), Welcome to my new blog. Why do I have a blog you might ask? Well, because (Mom, you're not going to like this) "everyone else is doing it." No, if everyone else jumped off of a cliff, I wouldn't follow them. I just thought it might be fun to have a place to keep everyone updated on our family. Since we just had another baby and I'm potty training my toddler, I thought, what better time to start a new project!

Anyway, I'm guessing I will only post when the mood strikes, but please check back and take a look. I'll post some pictures so you can all keep up with the kids. They grow up so fast (sniff, sniff...big alligator tear rolling down my cheek). Abbey loves her baby brother and Aiden really is growing fast. He already weighs 9 lbs, but he is a sweet baby and we're all enjoying him. Here are a couple of pictures we have taken recently.

Thanks for checking out my newest endeavor. Be sure to check back soon and see how we're "raising the Barrs."

This was our first day home from the hospital.

Abbey loves to hold her baby brother.

Aiden's first Memorial Day. Isn't he festive?

Abbey's ready for the pool!

What an angel.